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P2W Compensation Agreement - Peak Student

The following addendum to the employment agreement between and Pain 2  Wellness Center, LLC.

The employment will begin after 15 hours of peak experience each week. There will be a 3 week training period

The rate of pay during employment training period will be $17.50 per hour on 1099 contract employee.

Employment days will start off as  Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and (some) Saturdays see hours below.

After training period employee should fill out W-4  with holding form for bi monthly payroll deposits through ADP; the compensation shall be performance based as follows:

A- Number of office visits per week

B - Precent of Goal

C - Hourly Wage

   A   -      B       -      C

160- 115%= $30.00

155- 110%= $27.500

150- 105%= $26.00

145 - 100% = $24.50

130 - 90% = $23.00

115 - 80% = $21.50

100 - 70%= $20.00

85 - 60%= $17.50

70 - 50%=  $16.00

Schedule B

Pain 2 Wellness Center, LLC hour of operation will be.

Monday  - 9am - 7 pm

(Tuesday Administrative Task) 9:30 pm - 1 pm

Wednesday - 9am - 7 pm

Thursday - 9am - 1 pm  (off site Marketing events) usually 6 - 10 pm

Friday  - 9am - 1 pm

This agreement covers the employee working Monday - Saturday 15-30 hours a week.

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Document name: P2W Compensation Agreement - Peak Student
lock iconUnique Document ID: 6bcf91037a9f16513c0313a15749021ee16c3997
Timestamp Audit
October 2, 2024 5:10 pm EDTP2W Compensation Agreement - Peak Student Uploaded by Winston Carhee - IP